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Urban Information

Urban Information is an urban information system that was developed as an alternative to the commercial information chaos and which, in its design, stands for democratic and structured information.

First + Second Screen

The system consists of two components - a digital advertising column for general content and a mobile website for personalized interactions. The design is characterized by clarity and lightness. In addition, no colors were used, as black content on a white background has historical significance on the one hand (first book printing, daily newspapers, etc.) and on the other hand enables visual simplicity.

First Screen - Public interface / digital advertising column
Second Screen - Mobile website / citizen portal
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democratic information

Status Quo

Advertising, stickers, colors, graffiti and much more information make the cityscape grow into a colorful chaos. The justification for this flood of information is debatable, but it is clear that the value of information is declining in an inflationary manner and the importance of objectivity seems to be lost. Especially in the age of social media, the question of democratic information arises in connection with factual reporting.


Does Information need...


Shiro by Kenya Hara

"Since it is an almost empty space, the smallest impulse can awaken big images." (p.65)

"Mere eloquence devalues words and causes an inflation of meaning." (p.70)

"Since the printing of letters and characters with black ink on white paper means an irreversible determination, it is tacitly assumed that the printed texts are mature and thoroughly thought out." (p.75)"

qrcode ai nachgezeichnet.png

The abbreviation in QR code stands for "quick response".

Urban Information can be understood as the interface between city and citizen, public and private, digital and analog objects.

Urban information creates space and order for urban dialogues and is both a system and a symbol for this.
Urban information is reduced, self-explanatory and simple.


Project: [Take] Make it easy

Lead&support: Prof. Janina Anjuli Schmidt


Pictures are form

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