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For Theater
der Welt

MOSSCAPE is a group project and was part of the International festival THEATER DER WELT.


In the context of urbanisation and, at the same time, climate protection and sustainability, humans have an ambivalent relationship with nature. As humans, we are dependent on it, but we neglect it and distance ourselves from it with the expansion of cities. The project "Mosscape: Hosting Taunus Nature" aims to address this ambivalent relationship in the form of an interactive and performative installation.

Nature as a guest

Inspired by the cyclical processes in forests in which trees return to the earth, trunks overgrown with moss were "borrowed" from the Taunus to, on the one hand, care for them as "guests" and invite them to the festival and, on the other hand, to create a natural oasis in the urban space in which people engage with the sculptural natural exhibits and enter into dialogue with the moss. At the same time, a critical perspective was created: Man is depriving nature of its natural habitat in order to bring it to himself instead of getting closer to it. The installation combines a critical examination with a positive interactive experience that brings people and nature together and pleads for more appreciation of our living space.

The Team

Paul Böttcher, Ai Vi Bui, Josephine Pavesi, Yujin Park, Marlon Vargas, Marta Kamienska, Hannah Borghese,
Francesca Bagini, Felix Adam

Project: Theater der Welt


Prof. Benjamin Förster-Baldenius

Prof. Heike Schuppelius

Prof. Kai Voeckler

Technical Support:

Nils Wildegans

Anna Pietocha


Pictures are taken by Kai Vöckler and Fenja .

paul boettcher
art + design
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