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In collaboration with
Ella Dickau

AIDO is a garment created in an experimental process that can be worn and designed both digitally and analogue. The process was characterised by an experimental exploration of form, material and 3D printing in order to explore the question of how digital fashion is relevant, tangible and translatable into physical space - as analogue fashion tends to be transferred into digital space at the moment. In addition to the material and form studies, a website was designed as a digital interface. 

Experimental process

In addition to developing a suitable pattern, the fabric was also investigated. In order to find out which fabric is best suited for the connections, numerous fabric samples were directly printed using 3D printing. It became clear that the coarse mesh of the fabric and the thickness of the yarn are important for the 3D print to adhere optimally. Light and coarse-meshed textiles were best suited. Various shapes, sizes and arrangements were tested, varying between push-button and Velcro mechanisms.

Project: Fashion Forward

Lead&support: Prof. Janina Anjuli Schmidt, Carina Moser

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